In the News: Antisemitism Worldwide Report

Hundreds of media organizations in Israel and across the world have reported in depth on their frontpages, homepages, and editorials on the Antisemitism Worldwide Report for 2023, published by TAU's Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry and The Irwin Cotler Institute for Democracy, Human Rights and Justice in collaboration with the ADL. 

Below are some highlights as provided by TAU's media office.

Reuters - Interview

The Jerusalem Report - From the Editor: Antisemitism, Israel and TAU

Haaretz English  (Print) – Report: Antisemitic Incidents Spiked in the West in 2023

DW - Antisemitism rising dramatically across the world — report

Indian Express – Anti-semitism rising dramatically across the world, report finds

South China Morning Post - ‘It’s not 1938’: annual antisemitism report finds worst outbreak since World War II

Times of Israel – Antisemitism surging, report finds, prompting fear for future of ‘Jewish life’ in West

JPost – Tel Aviv University and Anti-Defamation League publish report on antisemitism worldwide for 2023

Jerusalem Post – Worrying Trends for the Future of Jewish Life in the West

Fox News – Antisemitism has proliferated worldwide, new report released on Holocaust Remembrance Day says

Haaretz – Tel Aviv University Report

Haaretz – Print

YNET – The World Against Us

Yediot Aharonot – Print

Hamevaser – Print

Shacharit – Print

Vesty (Russian) – In Russia, Jews are being made scapegoats: a report on anti-Semitism in the world has been published

RTP (Portuguese) – Incidentes antissemitas aumentaram em 2023 após ataque do Hamas

Berliner Tageszeitung (German) – Bericht: Zahl Antisemitischer Vorfälle 2023 Weltweit Stark Angestiegen

Israel HaYom – Even before October 7

Maariv – Even before the war

Globes – Print

Walla! – From the Left and the Right, and not necessarily because of the war

Channel 12 (N12) – A Tsunami of Hate

Le Figaro (French) - Le nombre d'actes antisémites a atteint un «niveau sans précédent» en 2023, selon un rapport mondial

Channel 13 – In the wake of the war, a rise in antisemitism in the West

Kan – Skyhigh Antisemitism

Galatz – Radio Program

Radio 103 – Radio Program

Kan Bet – Radio Program

i24News - New survey finds startling increase in rates of antisemitic incidents around the world

Kan – TV News Report

Channel 13 – TV News Report

The Times – Anti-Jewish incidents soared after October 7 attack, says study

The Hill – Antisemitism surging worldwide since Oct. 7 attack: Report

JNS – World antisemitism report: ‘Oct. 7 helped spread a fire’

Hamodia – Report shows surge in globabl antisemitism in 2023